Sunday 18 February 2024

Revealed: How This Bestie Friendship Scattered Beyond Repairs


Can two walk together except they agree? That biblical statement has never been so on point ! 

Social media users in Nigeria will be familiar with the face of popular interior designer and Lagos based socialite , Ms Ehizogie Ogbebor and her former best friend, Barrister Amaka Orakwu.

The two are known faces in the Lagos social scenes and elite parties, frequently traveling the 36 states of Nigeria to honor party invites and have fun in night clubs. They both could pass as the queens of night life.

Ms Ogbebor, a single mom of 3, is very outgoing, drinks socially, shisha loving, party spender socialite and a non Christian. While her best friend is single, no kids yet, doesn’t drink or use the shisha, usually don’t throw cash around in parties, and noticeably a religious Christian.

It can been seen on social media, during the friendship, Ms Amaka was quite laidback and always in the shadow of her friend, Ms Ogbebor.

Ms Ogbebor who runs a very successful interior design company travels to different states in Nigeria to execute projects, often times in company of her then bestie Amaka as a travel buddy.

Barrister Amaka on the other hand , owns a clothing retail store and also states on her profile as being the director of an oil & gas firm.

After her failed high profile marriage to a Warri billionaire, Ms Ogbebor has been into a few highly publicized relationships. On the other hand, nothing has been heard about her bestie’s relationships; if she has had any.

Ms Ogbebor is perceived as the single woman who takes any man who she desires, irrespective of their marital status while Ms Amaka has the persona of the very calm, educated and reserved female.

It was not surprising to some persons when in 2023 both women stopped attending parties together and posting each other on their social media pages. Friendship between both ladies could be seen as an unequal yoking.

A fan of Ms Ogbebor has asked through her comment section of the whereabouts of her best friend, with Ms Ehizogie Ogbebor responding that Ms Amaka has never been her best friend, but was only one of her numerous friends.

Both ladies have since stopped posting each other on their Instagram accounts, they’ve stopped attending parties and night clubs together.

 No doubt the social scene and nightlife business owners would miss their friendship.

Although Ms Ogbebor continues to rock the nightlife and frequently make appearances at high profile events, Ms Amaka has stopped being a regular face in the VIP section of various nightclubs.

Both ladies have remained quiet about the reason their friendship ended. They seem to be very happy parting ways. Like a burden gotten off one’s shoulders. 

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