Advertise With Us


TMO News/Media Advert Placement Rate

With a weekly reach of not less than  3 Million and still counting across our social media pages,
and as we take the lead and increase our media presence .

The TMO News/Media pages is your best platform to reach potential customers.
Let your business stand out on our pages, we only display a limited number of advertisement at a time, to avoid clogging and being overlooked by targeted audience.

Advertise with us and watch your profit grow. We give you value for your money!

Below are our monthly basic rates of our advertising bid


Ad Size: Leaderboard: 728×90
Price: N 1,000,000 (Negotiable based on durations )


From top to down, either space are for ads space.

Ad size: 300×600 (Large banner) 300×250 (Medium)
Price: N 500,000 (non negotiable)


Between Posts: Size: 300×250 or 360×280 Banner ads.
Below Posts: Size: Leaderboard or Banner.

Price: N 300,000 (non negotiable)

Sponsored article Per Day: N 100,000

Press Release: N 100,000

We  customize placement based on customers needs.

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