Sunday 18 February 2024

No Food For Party Guests But See What Caterer Did


What makes a great party, is the ability to cater for guests who have honored your invitation.

People attend parties for two major reasons; to socialize and for the food. Africans who say “homemade food can never taste as good as party food”.

There’s something about the taste of party food, that makes it standout. In Nigeria, the Yorubas are known for organizing the best parties. This tribe makes effort to serve all guest with mouth watering dishes.

Nigerians would often say “you cannot go to a Yoruba party and food nor reach your hand”.

In a particular part of Nigeria, the story is different when it comes to serving dishes in a party. Oftentimes, party goers will complain of hostesses only serving guests who they are familiar with.

The video below shows what happened at a wedding ceremony recently in Edo State, Benin City.

It’s reported that the celebrants purchased 3 cows for preparing meals to entertain guest, but many attendees were not served food. Only for the bride’s family to recover coolers of food stowed away by the caterers, which they intended to take home.

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