Friday 9 February 2024

Please Read This ! Before giving your child a smart phone


Mobile phones are the most common form of communication between people and machines. The mobile device has been around for decades now and is not going away anytime soon, rather it is being developed.

In an era of smartphones and less-than-smart people, technology is becoming increasingly sophisticated and dependable for running every day life. While technological innovations have become a blessing to humanity, it comes with its downside.

Humans must constantly be  aware of the attachments that forms between themselves and their devices in order to exercise control over their usage. Knowing when to stop and having the willpower to stop is essential when using mobile phones.

For adults and children alike, mobile phones can be habituated. Dependency on mobile phones is a subject that is not being addressed enough, as sufferers sometimes do not realize they have formed a connection with their device.

Parents with young children should pay attention to mobile device usage time of their children/wards in order to curb any habit-forming activity.

Children who use mobile devices everyday would often feel disturbed when their devices are taken away. They have formed a bond with these devices and may even become ill.

 It is better to let children use smartphones and tablets randomly and not routinely.

“My child becomes very moody, he wouldn’t want to play, eat or even interact with his siblings, when his phone is taken away” a parent wrote in an online forum.

The internet has reduced the world into a global village. With information readily accessible at our fingertips, we have the choice to determine what type of information we wish to see.

Parents are admonished to make effort in screening what informations are accessible to their children. As a parent, you can never fully be aware of what your child comes across while using an internet connected device. However, with technological advances, you are able to make restrictions to what comes up when your child attempts to surf the web, watch videos or play games online.

Eye damage caused by prolonged exposure to mobile phone screens are long term and sometimes irreversible. Staring at the phone screen for a long time can cause dry and itchy eyes. Gradual loss of sight and depreciation of vision are also possible consequences of using a mobile phone under low light.

Children should use their mobile phones outdoors and in enclosed spaces where there is full lighting. Using a smartphone while in bed and lights turned off should be discouraged.

Most people think the household amenities with the highest concentration of germs is the toilet seat. But ironically, there are more germs on the mobile phone than most toilet seats. 

Washing of hand with soap and water before eating ,after handling mobile phones should be taught to children. Some children would have their phone in the dinning table, watching a video or playing their favorite games while eating. A pattern can easily be formed around this, leading to not-ideal eating habits, transfer of bacteria and less food intake and below average table manners.

Before letting your child use a mobile phone, tablets or personal computer, parents should endeavor appropriate measures have been taken, for the safety of their wards.

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