Wednesday 7 February 2024

Exposed! University of Benin : Tales of an Alumni


University of Benin is a prestigious institution in the city of Benin, Edo State, Nigeria. But not everyone or everything there is prestigious.

From university “Dons” taking money from students for grades to Randy lecturers having carnal knowledge of students consensually and against their will, university of Benin can be referred to as a den of lions. 

Why then is everyone silent about what goes on at this great institution? Is it for fear of being targeted by the powerful cabals?

We asked a few University of Benin (Uniben) alumni of their experiences while studying at the institution. Among the graduates we spoke with, the one from the faculty of social sciences had a lot to say about the dark side of university.

“Blocking” a slang used by university students to symbolize the fee given to university tutors to pass examination or inflate their grades. It was mentioned that only a few lecturers in the social science faculty do not take “blocking”.

The amount for blocking a course was in tens of thousands, depending on the course level. 

You basically don’t have to read or attend classes, just “block” the lecturer and you’ll pass the course. For some courses, despite a student reading and attending classes, they still have to “block” the course lecturer, or they will be made to carry over the course.

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