Friday 9 February 2024

What Farting Says About You | Your Health | Your Personality


A little boy once said to his mom “girls are so pretty, they do not fart, why do I fart and how’s it so smelly?”
The mom smiled and told her then 7-year-old son, “everyone farts and depending on the food they eat, their farts smells differently”.

Farting is the body’s way of saying “ yes, I am alive and kicking”. Humans and animals pass gas through the back exit.
As long as you are alive and healthy, you will always pass gas. Some medical conditions may prevent an individual from farting.

What happens when you fart?
During digestion, gasses are produced. The body produces intestinal gas as part of the digestive process. These gases when inside the body finds a way to come out somehow. When exited through the mouth, it’s called burp and when through the back door, it’s called fart.
The smell of your fart, the frequency and whether you out rightly do not fart, is a telltale sign of your health condition.

Gasses can be passed silently through the mouth and back doors, but also can exit with a loud bang. Several factors influences the sound that is produced during burping or flatulence. When the back door cheeks are closely aligned, gases may escape with a bang. Holding in fart would result in  a “resounding sound” when finally Mr Fart finds an escape window.

When odorless gasses like nitrogen, oxygen, methane, carbon dioxide are released during farts, it goes unnoticed. But a bit of hydrogen sulfide will cause fart to have a rotten egg smell.
The intestinal gasses produced during digestion are based on the food eaten.

Some conditions such as lactose intolerance and celiac disease can cause bloating and make an individual produce excess gas.
Abdominal adhesion and abdominal hernia are other medical conditions that will make a patient produce excess gas.

Why does having so much gas in my system hurt so bad?

Producing gas and passing gas is painless. It is when gasses are being trapped inside the body and not expelled that causes the uneasiness that comes with bloating.

Since farting is normal, should we fart in public?

How you responsibly release gasses says a lot about your personality. It is advisable to fart a few meters away from people, as a show of respect.

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