Friday 16 March 2018

Two Children Burnt To Death As A Result Of Cooking Gas Explosion

Two children are reported to have burnt beyond recognition, following explosion of cooking gas in their home.

According to the source who shared the photos online, the parents were absent, leaving the young children home alone, when tragedy occurred.
Attempt by neighbours to rescue the pair failed, as the gate was said to be locked from outside.

By the time help arrived, the youngsters had been burnt to death.
The source went further to caution parents and guardians to keep their children away from cooking gas, and for no reason, leave young children alone at home, without an adult supervision .


The Liquefied Petroleum Gas, LPG, Propane, otherwise called cooking gas, continues to wreak havoc, if not used with caution.
The LPG which comes from natural gas processing and petroleum refining is highly flammable and should be handled with care.
LPG is not only in your home as cooking gas, but also used as fuel in heating system, aerosol propellants and petrochemical feedstock.

Explosion occurs when gas accumulates in a confined spaces and is ignited.
Smoking cigarettes, lighting a candle, turning on the stove in a closed area with gas build up can result in explosion.

Take caution to prevent your cooking gas from a possible explosion

Keep the gas tubes away from direct sunlight, dampness, abrasion and heavy weights.
Replace the hose every 5 years, as most manufacturers specify that hoses have a lifespan of 5 years.

Keep gas cylinders in highly ventilated areas; This is because LPG is heavier than air, and gravity ensures that it will flow along floors  and settle in pockets in the ground.

Check regularly for leakage; when there is a leakage in the tubes or hose, an explosion is prone to occur.
''A leakage and an ignition source is the only requirement for an explosion''

If you are ever in a building where there is fire, do not attempt to save your property, get out fast. Call for help when you are in a safe area.

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