Thursday 25 April 2024

How I Went From Size 16 to Size 8 Within 3 Months


There’s that very annoying and stubborn belly fat which is the problem of most people trying to lose weight.

There is no quick fix to being fit, neither is loosing weight techniques a one size fits all.

What works for client A might not work for client B. Hitting the gym endlessly is not a guarantee for being fit and healthy.

Hormones play a role in the ability of an individual to lose weight and maintain a healthy lifestyle.

From dieting, exercising and hormones, hormonal changes are the most important factors in weight gain and weight loss.

Most fitness experts will not tell you this ; only eating clean can help you maintain a healthy weight proportionate to your height, whereas only fitness will not bring about that balance.

Eating healthy is more important than spending hours weekly in the gym.

Balancing your hormones controls your ability to eat healthy.

Hormones play a pivotal role in your body’s ability to absorb nutrients and the entire process of metabolism.

Focus on your hormones and see how healthy you become within a short time.

There are a lot of naturally occurring foods which helps in balancing the body hormones. You should discuss this with your dietitian.

Do not start any vigorous exercise or go on strict diets until you have been advised by an expert.

A TMO editor went from size 16 to a size 8 within 3 months by fixing her hormonal imbalance after years of struggling with being overweight.

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