Monday 4 March 2024

See Why People Are Putting Money In A Mortal Before Traveling


The world is constantly evolving with every passing day and our lives are changing with every new development.

Humans are persistently learning new things and  unlearning the old ways of living their daily lives. However, some traditions and beliefs dating back to the early 60’s are still being practiced today. Amongst these practices is the idea of placing money in a mortal while embarking on a journey.

Before paper money was invented, it was learnt that our ancestors would put cowries in a mortal and have it placed in a corner of the house, when going on a long journey.

Our forefathers would return home and sometimes give the money to their gods, by placing it on the family altar, as a way of showing appreciation and gratitude for their safe return.

Family altars were common in every compound, some placed behind the house and others in the living room or bedroom of the oldest man in the family.

Depending on the gods/deity worshiped by a particular family, the altar would be painted in red, black, white or a combination of all three colors.

Irons, beads, powders, perfumes, cowries, sticks, eggs, soft drinks and random items would be placed on those altars. 

In recent times, as the doctrine of Christianity continues to spread, many families are embracing the new religion, attending churches and removing traditional family altars from their homes.

Despite moving on to become Christians, some people still believe in a few old traditions that were passed down from their forefathers. Unlearning old habits and beliefs takes time.

 Although some view the idea of putting money in a mortal while traveling as fetish and superstitious, others still believe it protects them from various uncertainties which can happen while traveling. They believe as long as the mortal stays on the floor, they would go and  return safely. Accidents, armed robbery att a ck  or other vi o le nce will not claim their lives.

Other group of people believe when they travel for a purpose, putting money in a mortal before embarking on the trip will ensure the purpose of the journey is fulfilled.

When going for a visa interview, job interview, or traveling for an examination, some people believe they would return home successful if they place money in a mortal before traveling.

The idea of placing money on a mortal for good fortune, safe travel and purpose accomplishment is subjective. Have you ever heard of it ? Have you practiced it and did it work for you? We would appreciate your feedback/comment. 

1 comment:

  1. Quite interesting, this is the first time am hearing this.
