Thursday 29 February 2024

Senator’s Wife Called Out For Serving Step Children Few Dodo In Rice


The wife of a popular senator is being called out by the mother of her step children for serving only 5 pieces of dodo ( fried plantain) in her son’s lunch.

According to our source, the mother of the children who recently moved out of their husband’s house has intentionally made the story available to bloggers, through her friend. 

She explained that the junior wife who is currently living with their husband,  a man known to have several wives and concubines tries to portray the loving stepmother picture to friends and family, but the reverse is the case.

“I called my little son on a WhatsApp video call when he was about having lunch, I was surprised what I saw on his plate. Imagine being treated like a nobody in his father’s house. She gave her children generous amount of dodo and meat, but see what she served my child. I had to tell him to make a picture of the food and send to me”, she said to the friend , who she used to release the story to bloggers.

Our View:

Looking at the picture, there seems to be nothing wrong with the food. The fried plantain is enough for a child and it’s possible the child can’t consume the meal totally.

It’s also possible the co-wife didn’t serve the child. It could be the maid or anyone else.

Moral of the story :

Before getting married to someone who has a wife at home, have a second thought. Co-wives can’t be best of friends, no matter how much they try. 

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