Thursday 15 February 2024

How An African Couple Gave Birth To Oyibo Baby


A few years ago, the story of a UK based couple of African descent birthing a white baby made headlines, with many questioning the parentage of the child.

Francis Tshibangu and his wife Arlette of East Midlands, England, United Kingdom shared their story to news outlets of how shocked they were after delivery of their baby. They were not expecting the baby to have a light skin tone, considering both parents had dark skin.

They however thought the baby’s skin color would transition to brown. To their amazement, 11 weeks after birth, the baby’s color stayed the same.

Test results showed that the baby does not have albinism.

Why then is the baby white ?

Genetic mutation can cause a child to develop certain traits that are not inherited from either parents. Like in the case of the Tshibangu’s baby. 

The baby is strong and healthy but a slight error in genetics resulted in the white skin.

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