Wednesday 4 July 2018

I Used Menstrual Blood Mixed With Dry Feces To Cook For My Husband - Europe Based Edo Woman Confesses

Wonders shall never end! the heart of a woman is a deep ocean, full of secrets, who can know it? That phrase sums up the shocking story which was shared in a popular Nigerian talk show hosted in one of the European countries.

For legal reasons, we will shield the names and location of the persons involved.
An Edo woman based in one of the European countries (whose president is married to an older woman and recently visited Nigeria) made a shocking confession during a live show cum online church service, where members are required to confess their sins before receiving blessings from their ''God''.

According to the married mother of 3, she met her husband in a neighbouring European country, they got married and relocated to their current base. Like some other marriages, few years later, her husband began keeping late nights and was unable to account for his salary.

He would beat her and stay away from home for days, whenever she questioned his lifestyle. This made her seek help from a witch doctor.

The lady who made the confession narrated how the witch doctor informed her that her husband was in the arms of a strange woman and something needed to be done fast, else she would lose her home.

She was instructed to  defecate in a bowl, leave it to sundry for 3 days, wash her monthly flow in a white bowl, mix both content  to prepare a meal for her husband.

''I did as i was told, i used the mixture to prepare stew for my husband, this was supposed to make him loyal to me and neutralize whatever spell the strange woman used in binding him'' she said.

She claimed the charm worked, saying the incident happened 5 years ago, and that was the end of his late nights and frequent beatings.

After her confession, the convener of the show proclaimed her free, and said she is forgiven, now that she has confessed on the program.

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