Friday 13 July 2018

From A Timid Bunker's Desk, Life Of An Undergraduate.

'Shania …. Shaina....wake up!!!',Cindy was screaming.'We are getting late for VZ' S class'
'Ugh ….I hate that old man and his speech is a torture to my ears and his voice and his glasses makes him look so stupid…..I don't want to go ahead,Cindy.'

'Well,if you can't take exams this year for your low attendance in class don't tell me I didn't warn You.'
'I'll be missing today's class and from tomorrow I'll attend all the lectures and the activities'
'You have been saying that since 2 years I wonder when will I really see you doing it in real or maybe never'
'It is just that I did not get enough sleep last night...yawn.…I was busy scrolling down my news feed and did not realise till it was 4:00am and you know what I had to turn and toss in bed for hours like two hours and at six yes at six is when I actually slept.So basically two hours ,which is not enough …..yawn...I  Will  go back to my handsome hunk again …bye'
'Bye …..and from tomorrow I am never waking you lazybones again'
'Love you my Cindy cherry top'
'Go to hell you psycho lazy bum'

Why am I not getting any comfort in any position ?
I have tried keeping my hands underneath my pillow but it is not working,I have even turn my body back and it is still not working…I guess I should sing myself to sleep…I know my VZ won't teach anything important…I'll have it copied from Cindy and besides Cindy writes everything the old man says so I'll get it from her…and if I can't understand I'll let Cindy explain me everything..OK so now I'll sleep….yes from tomorrow onwards I'll be a very good Kid…I will do my classes make notes and study really hard but today I'll rest so that I can start afresh from tomorrow.Okay so today I'll have the yummiest food I like and watch kHz on Netflix and then I'll be relaxed enough for tomorrow.

The next day
'Shania…. Shaina....wake up
We are getting late for VZ' S class'
'Ugh ….I hate that old man and his speech is a torture to my ears and his voice and his glasses makes him look so stupid…..I don't want to go ahead,Cindy.'
'Well,if you can't take exams this year for your low attendance in class don't tell me I didn't warn You.'
'I'll be missing today's class and from tomorrow I'll attend all the lectures and the activities'

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