Monday 11 June 2018

See How A Woman Who Works At Uyi Motors, Benin-City Was Treated By Management.

According to a very inhumane video trending on Facebook, a woman who works as a secretary at a transport company in Benin City narrowly escaped jungle justice from her former employer.

She was accused of stealing from the company the sum 2.1 Million Naira, using the proceed to acquire for her partner a new vehicle.
The middle age woman was entrusted with handling money realised from the sales of tickets, she was supposed to record every amount received but falsified figures and stole money from the company. 

When management of  Uyi Motors, situated at Idokpa, Benin City detected what she had done, allegedly ordered that she be subjected to public disgrace and torture, till she confesses to her crime and refund any of the stolen monies left unspent.

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