Monday 11 June 2018

Are You An Undocumented Migrant? No Country Can Deport You If You Know These Things

This article will help you greatly if you read carefully and understand the instructions therein, and do not forget to share, email it, or post it on your Social Media pages. You will be helping someone. You may not need this information but have a friend or family member who will find it very useful.

First, nothing beats entering a country legally ''through the front door'' entering with the appropriate visa; for example if your purpose is a short stay/touristic visit, abiding by the rules of your issued visa.  All visas comes with specific rules, informing you on what you can and cannot do with the particular visa.

If you intent to stay in a country for a long time or possibly settle down in the country of your dream, you can start by applying for a Study Visa, in most countries, a student visa allows the holder to apply for a resident permit, which can be extended and later switched to a work visa, a family visa and other resident documents available in that country.  But most persons do not have the ''luxury'' of getting a study visa, because of the huge tuition fee charged by Universities overseas.

You want to stay long in a country other than your place of origin? Apply for a work visa! Although this is quiet difficult when migrating from a third world country. You need to have a contact in the country where you intend relocating to; preferably a family member, who would help source for a job on your behalf, you have to be academically equipped and have the right skills. Canada and Australia is popular for issuing skilled visas to foreigners, most websites that claim to assist migrants get these visas are 80% of the time FAKE!

If you are married to a citizen of a particular country, this could also be an avenue to get a long stay/settlement visa, which in some countries referred to as the family reunification visa.

To most people, the ''front door'' legal travel method stated above is nothing but a figment of their imagination, from unqualified to apply for a tourist visa, as a result of no income, no occupation, inability to satisfy the visa officer of a reason to return to their home country to not having any academic qualification, they result to migrating illegally.

Now that you are abroad, with no documents permitting you to reside in that country, you are always anxious of what could happen to you next.

Every time you spot the cops or immigration officers, your heart skips. You are not sure if they have come for you. Well, it would please you to know there are steps you could take/things you should know,  that will help you avoid deportation.

  • Without your passport, you cannot be deported from any country: A passport tells immigration  officers your country of origin, it shouts out your true identity, it shows where you have been and how long you have been in that country. To get deported, officers MUST be sure you are being deported to your country of origin and not just any country whose citizens match your skin colour.

Some persons would say, the embassy of your country can issue an emergency travel document called TC, travel certificate, to facilitate your deportation. Well, that embassy has to prove you are their citizen.

  •  My word against your word: some countries require that you submit biometrics, fingerprint sample, during visa applications and entry. How about you never applied for a visa or got into the country through the airport? You are in a country as a citizen of wherever you claim is your country of origin, and with no passport or embassies to confirm you are from the ''stated'' country, immigration officers have no choice than to give you a chance to do something meaningful with your life.
     (In subsequent articles we shall list countries where this is applicable).

  • Mental instability: Please do not be ''mad'' or pretend to be insane. But no country will deport an individual who is suffering from a brain fag.

  •  Buy time: Have you applied for asylum and your application was rejected? don't run away as a failed asylum seeker and continuously live as an illegal immigrant, most countries allow applicants to appeal a negative decision, these appeal can be made 2 to 3 times or even 4, and it takes sometimes one year to get an appeal decision each time you submit an appeal, during the times your appeal is being reviewed, you can NEVER be deported from that country.

  •  Your date of birth is what you say it is, ''if you are not my biological mother, how can you proof i lied about my age'' there is no tool/device in this world (as of now) that can detect the age of an individual. Although medical practitioners in some countries can ''approximate'' the age of an individual using recent advancement in the medical field, but they CANNOT say exactly your age. If you claim to be a minor, who can force you into adulthood?.

The information above is only a personal opinion and should not be taken as a reason to travel illegally or boycott immigration procedure. Travelling with the appropriate documents and following the immigration rules that applies in every country is the only way to reside in a country undisturbed.

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