Monday 12 March 2018

You Need To Beat Your Wife, Discipline Her A Little, To Show You Are A Man. Says, Law Maker (Shocking Video)

Internet users have gone agog, over a shocking statement made by a member of Ugandan parliament.
The legislator is under fire for making an horrific statement against women.

Granting an interview to the Ugandan television channel NTV, the member representing ugangaizi East constituency, Twinamasiko Onesimus, made an expression, which did not go down well with viewers.

The law maker is quoted to have said;
"As a man, you need to discipline your wife, "you need to touch her a bit, you tackle her, beat her somehow to really streamline her.''.

A journalist attached to NTV shared the clip on line, and Internet users wasted no time to bash Mr Onesimus, with some calling him all sort of degrading names, from a woman beater to an abuser, while others are calling for his immediate resignation.

According to the Ugandan Christian News, Uganda's number one, President Yoweri Museveni, while addressing a crowd of supporters in celebration of the International Women's Day, had mentioned that men who beat their wives or girlfriends, were cowards.

The president had classified such men as foolish and cowardly.

Onesimus making a statement to promote domestic abuse a few days later, appears to be a response to the comment made by President Museveni.

Since the shocking statement made by the MP went viral, outraged Ugandans have been calling for the resignation of the law maker, using the twitter hashtag #TwinamasikoOnesimusMustResign.

The speaker of the Ugandan parliament, Rebecca Kadaga has requested that the legislator be probed by the house committee on  Rules, Discipline and Privileges.

Domestic violence is a big problem in Uganda, with a cultural belief that it is socially acceptable to hit a woman to discipline her. WIKIPEDIA

You can watch the video here

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