Tuesday 13 March 2018

Get Sparkling White Teeth Like A Celebrity With Ingredients Available In Your Kitchen.


Your teeth tells a lot about the level of your hygiene, people naturally will be drawn to you when you posses a good smile.
An average human would feel accepted or rejected when they first come in contact with you based on your facial expression.

Your eyes, nose and mouth gestures sums up the "facial expression".

Often times, people are misjudged for their lack of smile. Research has shown that people with crooked, or various forms of teeth defect, are reluctant to smile and usually misinterpreted.

Smiling is not only good for your health and total well-being, but also has a positive impact on the person being smiled at; uplifting their mood and making them feel at ease.

When human tooth is formed, they are usually white in colour. Habits and lifestyle is a major contributor to teeth discolouration.

Certain foods and medication can stain your teeth.

1. Coffee: Drinking coffee can be very refreshing, but the black beverage leaves your teeth tainted. Consuming coffee over time can totally change the colour of your teeth.

2. Cigarette : The smoke from cigarette  are settled in the enamel, causing it to gradually darken.

3.  Medication : Iron supplement syrup is one of such medicines that causes a huge damage to the teeth. When on medications with strong concentrated colouring, it is advisable to clean your teeth after each dose.

Several other factors such as ageing, health condition, poor hygiene tends to damage the outer layer of the teeth.

If you already suffer from teeth discolouration, there is no reason to worry, as you can restore your sparkling white teeth without breaking a bank.

A perfect smile will raise your acceptability and a clean teeth will boost your self esteem.

Take a look around your kitchen, you probably will find all or most of the ingredients to "boost your confidence".


1.  Baking Soda

Also called bicarbonate of soda, this  kitchen staple works like magic when used on your teeth.
You will be amazed on the result after a few application.
It's easy to use ; put a teaspoon of baking soda in a bowl, add water to form a paste. Apply on the affected areas, brush slightly, rinse off with warm water
Note: Do not keep baking soda on your teeth for more than 2 minutes, the acidic content can destroy your enamel.

2.  Turmeric 

You may enjoy cooking your meat with turmeric, but this orange-brown ingredient has more benefits than just giving your food a nice aroma.
Making turmeric and water into a paste leaves your teeth shining, also giving you a nice breathe.

3.  Charcoal.

Charcoal, the wonder toothpaste. Scrub your teeth with this end product of burnt wood, repeat three to four times a week, to get clean white teeth.

There are several other household items that can be used to naturally whiten your teeth, but we have carefully selected these three products which are easily accessible.

Never substitute good oral hygiene routine for any of the products mentioned above. Brushing your teeth at least twice daily; morning and before going to bed at night  remains the best way to care for your teeth.

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