Thursday 22 March 2018

Man Allegedly Murdered His Wife, Marries Her Elder Sister 3 Months Later

53-year-old Auxilia Josam, a UK based Zimbabwean has cut ties with her eldest daughter, over the death of her younger sister.

According to reports available online, Blessing Kasiyamhuru, leader of the  Zimbabwe Partnership for Prosperity (ZIPP) party, was married to Alexis;  the youngest child of the bereaved woman.

According to Auxilia, her son-in-law and her 34-year-old daughter, Thelma Takaedza, connived to poison Alexis for political gains.

The grand mom who has spent nearly two decades in the United Kingdom, alleged that her son-in-law was into rituals. Barely three months after the death of her younger daughter, with whom he shares a 4-year-old son, he married the elder sister, who recently bore him a son.

She narrated that before the death of Alexis, Thelma rang her saying Alexis was down with malaria, after being poisoned by her Aunt; Mai Victor, residing in Chinhoyi.


On the day Alexis is said to have died, Thelma again called her mother in the early hours of the day. Auxilia went further to explain that Alexis was never taken to hospital while she was ill, and no post Morten was conducted to ascertain the cause of her death.

Alexis went further to express her disappointment over her husband's brother, Kurauone Takaedza, who accepted Thelma's bride price from the same man who previously married her younger sister, less than 3 months after her death.

Alexis is said to have been unable to attend her daughter's funeral because the UK home office was yet to approve her documents, after living in the country for 18 years.

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