Tuesday 6 March 2018

Living My Life In The Bottom Of An Ocean- Suffering, Tears And Pain.


My life is a tale of pain, i have only little regrets though, am still alive, they say when there is life, there is hope.

Everyday, I hope things will get better, i look forward to a change, an helper or an end to the 44-year-old division of the country where i live.

My name is Mathew, and this is my story:

Am 42 years old, from the South West part of Nigeria, i come from a polygamous family, my parents have long gone their separate ways, my father later married a younger woman, who has 3 kids for him.
My mother had 3 kids for my father before the separation; myself and two younger brothers.

 My younger siblings look up to me. Although with no degree, i have gotten some public health qualification and managed to get a job at the House of Assembly as a messenger.

The salary wasn't much, but it was okay to see me through each month, i only had to feed and cloth myself, i didn't pay rent, i still lived in the house built by my father.

When i was in high school, i got a classmate pregnant, we had a girl. Although we never married, we have a cordial relationship for the sake of my daughter. My daughter lives with her mother in the village, i try to send them a little amount every month, for upkeep.

My story seems rosy so far, one would wonder, where's the pain and suffering? That is what i say also, when i look back at my life, before i decided to travel abroad for greener pastures.

Before taking this decision, i was planning to get a Bachelors degree, i took a par time form in one of the Nigerian Universities, i already took the entrance exam, before i got an opportunity to travel abroad on a student visa.

I embraced the opportunity, i was to travel to Cyprus, a part of Europe, which i never really heard of. I would school and work par time. I loved the idea, i have always wanted to get a degree, this was an excellent opportunity to get it, i would be  in a foreign country, living a better life and able to assist my siblings.

Did i mention that i have a cousin in the US, who i have been pleading with, to assist me travel to the United States? It has been promises upon promises, till the Cyprus opportunity showed up.

Through an agent, i applied for admission in one of the Universities in Cyprus. It was successful and we started the long journey of gathering documents for visa application.

The tuition fee cost about 2,000 Euros; which was a combination of my savings, my mother borrowing from a women's union, which she was at that time a member of, and a quick loan i took from one of the new generation banks.

The travel agent had assisted in booking an appointment at the Embassy, we were able to get bank statement from a local vendor in the city where i live; whose specialty was in making forged documents.

He has altered my genuine bank statement, inputting massive amount of deposits and withdrawals, you would be fooled that was a bank account of a billionaire.

Other documents were procured by the agent who had processed my admission.

I travelled to Abuja few days to the appointment date, the agent had informed me, i would be submitting my application at the Turkish Embassy, i was a little amazed that i was going to submit my application at a different Embassy, when i was travelling to Cyprus.

Well, i submitted the application and documents, the visa officer asked me little or no questions, probably what my name was, and he asked me to come for my Visa the next day.

I was excited, my dreams to travel abroad was gradually coming through, i hanged around the Embassy chatting with a few people who were also submitting their applications; some where going to Turkey while other to ''The Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC)''.

That was the first time i ever heard of that name, TRNC was called Cyprus, but i did not know the difference at that time. A difference that would come to change the very purpose of my travel, a difference that would limit me to an Island of few jobs, not recognised by any country except Turkey, and under an Embargo. An Island not refereed to as a country, but an occupied area.

I picked up my visa the next day, i couldn't wait one more night in Abuja, i rushed to the park, took the next available bus to the State where i reside.

I shared the good news with my father, i went to the home of my mom to share the good news with her and my siblings.

''Do not say it loud, don't let anyone hear of it till you get there, i do not want them to use their witchcraft to cause any form of hindrances in your travel'' my mom said in a very low tone.

I began to sell a few of my possession, i needed money for the compulsory Basic Travel Allowance BTA, as instructed by my agent.

My ticket was bought by my father, he took a loan form a local loan company in my city.

Few days later, i was in Lagos, Murtala Mohammed International Airport MMIA, to board a flight to the country of my dreams.

As shown on my ticket, i would fly from Lagos to Istanbul, where i would transit for 5 hours, thereafter take an adjourning flight to TRNC.

Nigerian immigration and customs were the first negative encounter i had right from the processing of my admission until the trip.

The Immigration officer at the Airport sensing from the lack of stamps on my passport, i was a first time traveller, started asking questions that was not related to my travel, then finally, he demanded $100 before he would let me board the plane. I pleaded with him, but it seems the more i pleaded, the more he stood his ground of not letting me go.

''You will stay here begging, until that flight will leave, then you have to buy a new ticket, since you don't want to give me common $100'' he yelled at me.

About 60 minutes to take off, i gave him the money, after which  he placed an exit stamp on my passport and showed me what direction to move towards the plane.

I was walking towards the passenger waiting area, when i was stopped by a Custom officer. He said because i was carrying some Nigerian food in my bag, i had to procure a certificate from the ministry of health to proceed with it. I must go back to the departure area of the Airport to get it or give him $100.

With tears in my eyes, i gave him and walked to the passenger waiting area; where i could see passengers going to the same destination as already already boarding the flight.

I joined them, it was my first time on an aeroplane, the experience was both scary and sweet.

I ate all the food that was offered, drank whatever i saw other passengers drinking.

Few hours later, i was in Istanbul, Turkey. I walked within the beautiful airport, admiring travellers, the beautiful architecture and fascinated about the sight of being in the midst of many white people.

I arrived TRNC few hours after my adjourning plane left Istanbul, i was picked up by a member of the International office of the University which i intend to study.

The university representative was very friendly, he took me to the dormitory, where i was supposed to stay for 3 days before deciding whether or not i would live within campus.

I met other Nigerians, we registered together, took the University's English exam, were all successful and started classes.

The time came for us to process our Student resident permit, some of the friends i made absconded, they didn't want to apply for the student permit; the immigration required that all foreigners undergo through a series of blood test, HIV test inclusive. Those who tested positive to HIV were immediately arrested and deported to their home country.

I got my resident permit, attending classes and trying to get a job; which seemed impossible. I was fast running out of money, i have spent the most of my BTA on house rent, feeding and processing my resident permit.

It was while in TRNC i realized Cyprus is a divided Island, the South, Greek part, which is recognized and part of the European union, and the North, Turkish part of Cyprus, which is only recognised by Turkey.

Students living in the TRNC are not allowed to cross the border to the Greek part of Cyprus to find Jobs.

The university told me i had to pay 1,600 Euros more to complete the tuition for that year. The school in their usual manner adds 700Euro to your debt each semester you do register in school.
Without registration, you cannot renew your resident permit.

I had to drop out of school, moved to the outskirts of the city,picked up a gardening job that pays less that 250 Euros a month.

4 years after arriving in Cyprus, the university has calculated a sum of 8,000 Euros in debts before i can register for a new academic session and obtain resident permit.

I can barely eat or pay rents in the village where i live, it's been 5 years since i left Nigeria, i have not been able to visit home nor achieve the dreams of improving the lives of my daughter, siblings and family at large.

Working in the outskirts of the City, without resident permit is hell! Many months i work without pay, employers will purposely send you away by the end of the month, knowing you can do nothing.

My dreams of getting a BSC has long died. Now i count the years and hope someday things would change.

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