Wednesday 7 March 2018

Ireland Based Nigerian Woman Faces Jail Term, For Sharing Video Of A Child Being Molested, With Friend On Whatsapp.

51-year-old Jadesola Agbalade has pleaded guilty to a  one count charge of knowingly distributing child pornography, and will forever be registered on the sss-x offenders data base in Ireland.

Agbalade is said to have shared a video of a child being molested with her friend on Whats app; which she knew or may not have known was against the law.

 In defence, the mother of 3, told the  Dublin Circuit Criminal Court, she meant no harm but only sent the video to her friend in an attempt to caution her of the dangers of leaving her kids with her boyfriend.

Agbalade pleaded guilty to the charge against her, for sharing the said video on July 20, 2016.

Speaking to the court on how Agbalade was arrested, the prosecutor, Garda Enda Ledwith said it was during an investigation in an unrelated incident it was detected that a disturbing video was shared on July 20, 2016.

Ledwith had arrested a man at the Dublin Airport in July for credit card fraud, while going through his phone for possible evidence, he stumbled on the video.

It was an heartbreaking video of a preschooler between the ages of two and four being molested by an unidentified male, although the scene suggested that the video was not made in Ireland, but it was discovered that the clip had been in circulation for more than 3 years.

Police traced the phone number from which the man involved in the credited card fraud had received the clip, this led them to Agbalade who willingly agreed to meet with them an the Blanchardstown shopping centre, unaware of the gravity of her offence.

When questioned by police, Agbalade admitted to have received the clip via a whats app broadcast and forwarded it to her female friend, although the lady which she claimed to have forwarded it to was never identified by the police.

The defence lawyer Mr Bowman, told the court Agbalade, a single mother originally from Nigeria, who arrived Ireland in 2001, has never had any previous convictions.

Agbalade did not understand the enormity of the situation, it was clear she only distributed the clip but was not in anyway involved in the generation of the material.

The single mother has a teenage child in her home and two others who are in the university. He pleaded with the court that convicting Agbalade was enough punishment for her.

“She will now be a ss_sx offender and as a mother, that is a significant stigma in the community,” he added.

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