Monday 5 February 2024

How Your Dreams Are Formed : Dreams and Interpretations


Dreams are a channel of communication. They are very important in the life of an individual.

Paying attention to your dream life will help you navigate the path of life that is of outmost concern to you.

It is important to understand the different types of dreams, how dreams are shaped and the interpretation of dreams.

Be aware that dreams are formed differently and interpreted differently. What a dog symbolizes in your dream would not necessarily mean the same thing in the dream of another person.

Someone may see themselves crying in a dream, and in reality it symbolizes happiness knocking on their door. Whereas, another dreams of tears, crying and sadness may manifest hitherto.

How then can you interpret your dream?

Firstly, you should understand the patterns of your dreams. Are there clues which symbolizes people, location and time?

Just as we have dreams which are important channels of communication with your spirit beings, there are also dreams that are meaningless and baseless. Examples of such dreams are the ones you see after watching a movie before going to bed, and you begin dreaming of scenes and characters from the movie.

Anxiety dreams of seeing yourself in an examination hall, when you have an exam the next day. This type of dream can sometimes be a channel of communication of your anxiety playing out.

You may feel very hungry before bed and wish you ate the plate of food you had in your refrigerator, you feel very tired to get yourself to the kitchen, you fall asleep and alas! You are dreaming , eating the food .

There are so much controversies surrounding eating in the dream. Some people attribute it to bewitchment. It is however a delicate subject that requires thoughtful insight.

And then there are people who never dreams, or would dream and always forget what they have seen in their dreams. These categories of people need counseling and guidance from an expert.

If you’ve read this article to this point, you now understand how dreams are formed. How then are dreams interpreted ? 

Dreams are a reflection of our reality; either past, present or the future.

Interpretation of dreams is not a one robe fits all. Each individual has a unique interpretation to his/her dreams and the dream symbolism; which people often refer to as interpretation (but it’s not an interpretation only serve as a reference point.

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