Saturday 24 February 2024

Ex Governor Adams Oshiomole’s Wife : Pregnancy Loss, Divorce , Money Spender


Former APC national chairman and governor of Edo State, Adams Aliu Oshiomole surprised many eligible spinsters in Edo State when he married beautiful and educated Cape Verdian woman, Iara Oshiomole.

The then governor was “the most eligible bachelor” in the country after the cold hands of de at h sn atc hed his first wife.

Not so much people were pleased with the choice of the ex governor. Taking a foreigner as a wife when Edo State is blessed with beautiful women didn’t seat well with many.

It’s been more than 10 years since Oshiomole and Iara tied the knot in a very private ceremony flanked by family and close friends. Not much has been heard about the current state of the union.

During the early months of the marriage, Iara was a frequent sight at social gatherings and political events, usually making appearances alongside her husband.

As the dust settled and Iara gradually faded from the sight of the public, speculations began to arise that there was trouble in paradise.

Some photos showed Iara rocking what seemed to be a baby bump which later disappeared, creating a notion she might have been pregnant and lost it.

At some point, unverified reports suggested Oshiomole established an Airline Company in Cape Verde under his wife’s watch.

Iara has not been seen at social gatherings with her husband for a long time, nothing has been heard about her. For some reasons, the couple have kept their private lives very private.

We wish them bliss and hope they are going strong in their marriage.

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