Saturday 11 August 2018

Nigerian Men K i l l i n g Their ''Nurse Wife'' In USA After Marrying Them From Nigeria

The shocking rise in the deaths of Nigerian female professionals; specifically Nurses in the hands of their husbands needs to be addressed.

More deaths are being reported of wives married in Nigeria, taken overseas by their husbands, trained in the seemingly lucrative profession of Nursing, losing their lives to the one who promised to love and cherish them forever.

Not fewer than a hundred Nigerian men have be trialed and sentenced for this crime of passion in recent years, with most of the report emanating from the United Kingdom of Great Britain and USA.

All the cases brought to limelight has four things in common:

1: The Husband had lived in the UK/US for several years, created a niche for himself and decided to go back home to take a ''good'' (naive) girl for a wife.

2: He takes her to his base, where he invest in her education, ''producing'' a registered Nurse, a wife and mother to 1 or 2 kids.

3: She begins to earn higher than her husband, she's become a respected registered Nurse, hanging out with the ''right'' cycle of ''educated'' friends, whose husbands are either of the same profession or well educated with a high paying job, suddenly she realises '' she was used, deceived by her taxi-driving husband with no formal education''  how could ''she'' a well trained, polished, nice accent, beautiful, Nurse be married to such a ''thing''

4: She files for divorce, the judge gives her the house, the kids, and places the husband on child support.

You are left with a frustrated man, who thinks he has lost all he ever worked for, some will let go and allow God be the judge, while others will long for revenge.

Revenge can be spiritual and physical, but for the purpose of this article we will stick with the physical revenge.

Not all women are to be blamed for the sequence of events stated above, in some cases, a naive girl married from one of the villages in Nigeria who barely knows the man she is being married off to jumps at the opportunity of relocating to the US for a better life. She never for a minute take into consideration if they are both compatible.
She only finds out after the marriage and arrival in the states that her spouse is a heavy snorer, heavy smoker, alcoholic, doesn't have his bath for days and so on.
He may not even be as rich as he portrayed himself to be at her small town, where a ''one eyed man is their king''. He lives in a tiny one bedroom apartment; she feels very disappointed and begins to nag.

In some cases, the naive wife who is used to leaving all lights turned on, never paying attention to bills now has to be frequently reminded ''honey you have to turn off the lights when not in use, you are running bills leaving the lights on''; some of these seemingly little things are not so little when it hits the ears of a woman, especially one coming from a not-so-polite society.

When all these are not properly addressed, a divorce in inevitable, this is the bed rock of the issue being addressed in this article.

Some will argue that the men committing the crimes are to be blamed while others will point fingers at the women, but passing the buck is not the way to curb this crime which if not addressed is likely to occur three times more than it's current rate.

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