Sunday 17 June 2018

How I Met My Guy - A Story You Should Read (Episode 1)

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In the city of Kivana  once lived  a girl  named Novania. Novania was an ambivert. She was brought up in an environment where feelings were just felt and not expressed.

Her people  believed in producing strong progenies -the strongest in the world -who can withstand anything under the sun.
Her parents were happily married and stayed happy and in someway were softer than the rest.She was a different kind of so she thought -a complicated being, a weirdo.She shudders upon the word 'love' well not that she hated it but that it will never be a part of her life at least not in this life.

She believed that her personality was jumbled up and that with those in her nobody will be attracted to her.Not that her qualities were bad but they were very much moulded for her to survive the most harsh weather possible.She was proud of having them yet too scared that it served as a repellent to many-a-dreams she had.

She had made up her Mind when she saw that no proposals were coming her way that she will be a spinster for life and a single mother for those needing acceptance. Keeping her fingers crossed that her plans resonanced those which laid instored for her marched forward.

   She was admitted in Sanlageico University of Oritine for her master's degree in psychology.She slogged  for her admission into the University.Hardworking by nature,she abandoned anything that distracted  her from her goal even her friendship.Embracing new people in a new country was difficult in the beginning but gradually she managed to adjust quite well.As time passed by  she had a handful of  friends who really loved her.Her roommate was a lazy bum who did not want her sleep and inactivity to be disturbed.And she was lucky enough to have Now as her roommate who was busy in her own World.

        One day her friend Cova invited all of his friends to his recently moved home.N was also invited.She did not like partying much but was somehow  dragged by her chums.She went in her plain clothes despite repeated persuasion to wear something fit for the event.

She was stubborn by nature and hence came out victorious by not wearing those wears.She went in and enjoyed a lot.She was introduced to quite a lot  dudes who were Cova's  friends.
And one in particular Denza Stone was very weird rather rude.He seemed to be a gay as he did not even lay his eyes upon any girl.He was chit- chatting with the guys only.

When Novania was introduced to him , he shot a look to her smiled or frowned and immediately turned his attention to a dog near him.She did not mind but rather felt that he was xenophobic.

When She she sat down and started talking about  her country- the kindness and hospitality and the rich culture of the people, Cova's friends were all ears but suddenly Denza asked her whether she was shy to speak about the sufferings in her country She was dumbfounded.

He went on saying that he heard in the news about the pitiful condition  of her country just because of some corrupted leaders .He scorned at her when she was left speechless.

Cova sensed her embarrassment and added that stuffs like those happened in most Countries of the World  but the common folks had to bear the brunt each time.

He asked her to continue about her stories and somehow she managed to please most of them when her stories ended.

 It was time for everyone to leave and before leaving  she wanted to visit the washroom badly  on her way to the bathroom  she left her scarf  on a pew and when she came back she found that it was wet and when she took it closer to her nose she  found that it was smelling of urine and  the dog Denze was playing with was right there wagging its tail happy at having relieved the pressure in its bladder.

 She turned around and found everyone laughing at her.In a fit of  rage she threw the soiled scarf on Denza and immediately  stormed out of  the room.She was walking back to her dorm in a huff when a hand caught her arm spinning her around the room and after  a third spin the hand pushed her to a corner.She lost her balance and fell in a heap.

When she was too shocked to get up she looked up to see Denze threatening her that if anything of that sort happened again he would not spare her irrespective of her gender. Cova and her friends rushed to her rescue and somehow managed to console her and take her home.She vowed that she will never attend a party where Denza would be.

Author: Afreen Dkhar

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