Sunday 18 March 2018

She Gave Up Her Career To Become A Second Wife, Lost Her Husband Years Later, Then Trouble Began; Learn A Lesson From This Woman's Story

This is a true life story of how one woman lost everything; her career, her pride, her children, but as they say, when there's life, there's hope, 20 years later, she's dancing a new dance and singing a new song.

Mrs Adakamioruyien (name changed) was registered at the Teachers Training College, Benin City, Edo State, when she met Matthew (name changed), who later became her husband. She was shopping the popular Ekioba, Oba market in Benin, when Matthew, who was in company of his friend approached her.

They exchange pleasantries, after a short conversation, they both realised they were from the same village; Iyekogba (changed). According to Ada, Matthew possessed so much charisma, he was not only good looking, but spoke with so much confidence. She was used to intimidating boys, they would usually be overwhelmed with inferiority complex whenever she introduced herself as a teacher in training.

Matthew swept Ada off her feet, in few months they were already discussing marriage.
She admitted being aware Matthew was married with 4 kids, but she was already in love with him and wasn't going to let that discourage her.

Did i forget to add, Ada has a light skin tone, very curvy, even after many years and 3 children. Despite the hardship she has been through in life, she still looks beautiful.

Her husband's friend and family members called her ''ayon no gbe oga'' meaning, the drink that intoxicates the boss.
And she really did intoxicate Matthew with her beauty,  and in return, he gave her all his attention, showered her with gifts, and took her along to social gatherings.

The first wife became nothing more than a piece of furniture in the house, she devoted her time to caring for her children. Her husband rarely performed his bedroom duties with her.

But she was not bothered, or acted like she wasn't; Ada narrated to an STB source.

There was peace in the home, Ada gave birth a year later to a male child; this increased the love and attention her husband showed her.
By this time, she already stopped attending Teachers Training College, because of her pregnancy, with the intention of resuming after weaning her baby.

Just when her son was beginning to crawl, she realised she was pregnant again. The plan of going back to TTC gradually began to crumble, Ada had a toddler and a growing pregnancy to focus on.

Months turned to years, and she finally gave up her career, focusing on raising her family. Her husband never allowed her trade in the market or pick up jobs, he was overly protective, scared some richer men would take her away from him.

He tended to all her needs and that of her children, hence Ada not working posed no problem in the marriage.

10 years into their marriage, Matthew began to suffer from acute prostate enlargement, although he had battled the ailment all his life, it never degenerated to the level of him losing his ability to walk.

Matthew became very sick, he was taken to a nearby private hospital, where his condition worsened within weeks, the family transferred him to the University of Benin Teaching Hospital, where he later died.

Matthew's death although did not come as a shock to family members, he had been bed-ridden for months before given up, but it remained a painful loss, throwing the family into mourning cum commotion!

The son of the first wife who used to live with his grand mother moved back home, taking over his father's living room.

The house was a passage house bungalow, otherwise known as ''face me i face you'', Ada was asked to move to the last room which was by the exit door. Before the death of her husband, she shared the first room and living room with her husband, which was taken over by the eldest son 2 days after MatThew's death.

Well, that was only the beginning of Ada's nightmare. She resulted to roasting coco yam by the road side, had to plead with a human trafficker, who aided her very young daughter travel to Europe, her teenage son joined a group of young men travelling abroad by foot, she was beaten several times by the first wife. The concluding part of the story will be published next week.

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