Thursday 22 March 2018

Parent Gives Their 14-Year-Old Daughter's Hand In Marriage To Her Molester, Because She Is Already Pregnant For Him


A child right activist attached to the Advocacy for human group, has taken to social media to lament about her experience with the parents of a victim of child marriage.

According to Anita Fatii, the child right activist who shared the story online  on Monday, March 19, 2018, said she was contacted by a family who was seeking justice for their 14-year-old daughter who was defiled by a man, said to be in his 50's.

The suspect who happens to be an Imam, after committing the crime, bragged about it, challenging the family that nothing can be done to him.

The mother of the victim contacted the agency which Fatii works with, speaking to them on phone, she cried about what was done to her daughter, that she needed help. The agency scheduled an appointment with her for the next day.

When the mother of the victim who had called did not show up, Fatii reportedly called her, only to get the shock of her life.

The teenager had been married to the Imam!, less than 24 hours of the victim's mother crying helplessly for justice.

When she tried to talk the woman out of letting her daughter move in with a man who had molested her, explaining to her it was illegal for a a minor to be given out in marriage, the mother was not ready to have a change of heart.

All efforts to explain the psychological effect of what the Imam has done could affect her daughter, fell on deaf ears.

Fatii went further to explain how frustrating parents make prosecuting offenders of child molestation, backing out at the dire minute, and refusing to give testimonies in court, that would secure the conviction of suspects.

She narrated an experience she had in Akoko-Edo, Edo State, while visiting on a conference, a family had approached her, seeking justice, only to back out few minutes later. Making her efforts in the case fruitless.
Fatii went on to say, she  has reached out to the commissioner of police, as well as the ministry of women affairs to look into the matter.

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