Sunday 18 March 2018

It Works Like Magic! According To An FBI Expert; Here Are 8 Ways To Get People To Like You

Whether you are an entrepreneur, an employee, or just an individual interested in networking, you will need to master the art of gaining the attention of people, getting them to like you, and establishing a lasting relationship with them.

As humans, we want to be liked, be it at the workplace, school, or when we meet people during our every day activities, we want to make a good first impression that will create a lasting image of us.

It's said that we can never learn the art of making friends, but there are some tried-and-true-tricks that you should know, that would help you hold on a conversation, build lasting relationships and improve your likability.

1. That thing called ego, hide it sometimes

People tend to like you easily when they don't see you as being overly superior to them, when talking with someone, and you understand you are more intelligent than they are, do not be too quick to correct them, especially if you intend to strike a friendship with them.
Don't try to be correct and be in the spotlight, give them a chance to shine. Even when they are saying something incorrect, do not be quick to correct them, except the situation is too important, and they MUST be corrected.

2. Don't be judgemental

According to Robin Dreeke, former head of the FBI's Behavioral Analysis Program, for someone hoping to be well-liked, you have to be a good listener, ask questions, request the viewpoint of others, and when they share their thoughts with you, accept it without judging the reason for their opinion.

3. Show interest in people

Ask people about the challenges they face in their day-to-day life, you do not necessarily have to poke nose into their private affairs, you can ask them about challenges at work, school, or about raising children, then you find a common ground. If you do not know how to inquire about their wellbeing, you can frame your question by first asking them for advice.

4. Pay attention to listen correctly

When having a conversation with someone, one way to let them know you are listening to them is by paraphrasing bits of what they have said to you. Listening is not all about keeping shut and waiting for someone to end a conversation, when listening, you have to ask follow up questions on what you are being told.

5. Show concern more with the needs of others

Especially in the workplace, if you are trying to build lasting relationships with colleagues, you should do things that makes them feel important, no matter how little it may seem. Remembering their birthdays is a fantastic way to make them feel important.

6. Don't be too proud to admit any wrongdoing

Admit when you are wrong, taking steps to make it right. Owning to an error is not just enough, you have to show remorse and make it clear that you are working on fixing it.

7. Be friendly but don't overdo it

Smile to people, keep eye contact and make them feel relaxed with you, extend a hand of friendship, but do not make yourself look too desperate, like your life depends on it.

8.Indicate faults in a classy way

If you wish to show  disapproval on something someone has done, do not make a show out of it, throw in some compliments while subtly driving home your point . If you must criticise, let it be with class, do not make it a big deal. Do not make a spectacle of someone in public.

Ref: USA Today

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