Monday 18 December 2023

I left my wife and 2 children 30 years ago to America, returned sick” , Nigerian man narrates


An elderly Nigerian man has taken to social media to narrate his ordeal and ask for assistance after returning from the United States of America, empty handed, 30 years after he left his banking job, wife and 2 young children.

Everything we do has its way of coming back to us, be it pleasant or not pleasant. The difference is the timing. For some, repercussions of their actions may take a long time to show up, while for others, it’s immediate. 

So it’s the story of Pastor Joseph Ibironke, who left Nigeria in 1984 to the United Kingdom in search of greener pastures, before proceeding to the US.

Pastor Ibironke narrated how he left his banking job at the then Union Bank, his wife and 2 kids, lived in the UK for 9 years working as a security guard with Burns International, UK where he was further trained to an armed guard.

Not satisfied with living in the UK, Pastor Joseph Ibironke moved to the United States of America, where he married an American woman and produced 4 kids.

Things however went sour, when on a fateful night after having his marital duties with his wife, slept, woke up in the middle of the night, barking like a dog.

Ibironke  stated that he was informed by his wife that she called the ambulance and he was taken to the hospital, where he would later spend 14 months.

Doctors were unable to diagnose the cause of his condition. His electronic business in Orange County, where he sold high end electronic equipment had collapsed. His American wife, seeing his condition was not improving decided to leave with her children.

Concerned Nigerians in the know of his predicaments later advised Pastor Ibironke to go back to Nigeria for traditional healing since his ailments had defiled all medical remedies.

Ibironke returned to Nigeria in a sad state, with no home or family to return to, lived under the bridge in Lagos, Nigeria, before he found his way to Pakoto Prayer Mountain, Ifo. He has been undergoing prayers and counseling under the leadership of Prophet Ezekiel Oladeinde, where he’s currently on a recovery journey.

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