Saturday 24 February 2024

Omoregbe Omoregie Of Evboneka Community, Edo State Sells Land To Multiple Buyers : Benin Priestess Narrates

More evidences are emerging about the disputed site of the event center belonging to a Priestess of Benin Kingdom.

TMO ( Talk My Own) recently published an article of a popular community chairman and land seller, Mr Omoregbe Omoregie who sold a piece of land along the Evboneka expressway to Mrs Faith Obanamen, a known Priestess of Benin Kingdom, whose intention was to bring about development to Evboneka community, and Edo State at large.

Things however didn’t go as planned, when during the processing of the Certificate of Occupancy C of O, by the priestess it was discovered that part of the property belongs to different individuals . 

Property site

The site where the Priestess has invested over 50 million Naira, in an ongoing, event center project inter-laps two properties on the side and behind belonging to other persons.

In an attempt to bring solution to the conflict, the EDOGIS ( Edo State Geographic  Information Service) official had suggested that Mr Omoregbe Omoregie have a meeting with the property owners which the land inter-laps. An agreement should be reached and put in writing. With a written agreement by all parties involved and duly approved by the community is the only option to resolve the dispute and have a C of O issued to Mrs Faith Obanamen.

For some reasons known only by Mr Omoregbe, he has refused to follow due process in resolving the conflict.

A video of Mr Omoregbe accompanied by a few members of the Evboneka community was released, where the community chairman showed the property of the Priestess, admitting it inter-laps another property, and it’s not an issue. He however did not mention how he would resolve the inter lapping of the properties, knowing that was the bone of contention and reason why a C of O cannot be issued.

In the video made available to the public, Mr Omoregbe went further to apologize to women, referring to the previous derogatory remarks he made in his video  earlier released about Princess Obanamen. He intentionally or unintentionally failed to apologize to the Priestess who he specifically defamed in that video.

It should be recalled that Mr Omoregbe had consistently made efforts to silence Princess Obanamen from requesting he resolve the inter-lapping dispute. Even going as far as thr ea ten ing to release private pictures and videos of the Priestess.

The unwavering support of the public towards Princess Obanamen continues to grow, with well meaning Edolites asking Mr Omoregbe Omoregie who goes by the aliases; ATM machine & the oduma of Ovia to do the needful and resolve the property dispute.


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