Wednesday 13 April 2022

Popular Edo Pastor Who Beat His Wife To Coma


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With the rise of domestic violence in Nigeria and around the world, it has become very important we all speak up about the menace. Do not keep silent about it ! It might be you tomorrow, your sister, your niece or a loved one. By the way, it's not only women who are the victims. Sometimes, men are victims of domestic abuse as well.

That been said. I will go straight to the point of this article. It is about a popular Nigerian clergy man based in Edo State, Benin-City. I witnessed this first hand. And unfortunately nobody did anything about it.

I will not mention names, to avoid being sued by this rich and powerful clergy. But be sure to easily deduce who he is, when the story unfolds.

I was a teen, lived with my parents and siblings in an are called GRA, in Benin City. The said pastor (clergy man) lived in the same street as my family.
Our house was the last house in the street and his storey-building was in the middle. He used a car called Volvo, and had only sons.... later had a daughter; not sure if she was adopted.

The clergy had goats in his compound, his house was painted in white and had a black gate. 
Although he would later rebrand his church, the previous name started with M. And the church was located also in the GRA, about 1KM away from his house. He usually held a mid week deliverance service. He was highly respected, as he would lay hands on his members and they immediately began to stumble and fall in their number.

One day, I and my siblings have just gotten home from our evening lecture, as we did attended extra lessons after the school day, when we heard cries, shouting, and commotion from the clergy man's compound.
Out of curiosity, we ran there to see what was amiss, only to find the wife of the clergy man in a pool of blood at the veranda on the ground floor. We looked in amazement, my older sibling hurried home to fetch my parents, as we thought there might have been a robbery attack.

We later realized it was the pastor whose first name starts with A, that was beating the helpless wife, while the children who were our age mates cried, and looked on.

My parents and other neighbors tried to intervene by begging the pastor to spare his wife, but he refused. They had nothing else to do than keep looking through the fence while the abuse continued.

By the way, the compound had a medium high fence with iron-rod protectors from which you could see through.
The neighbors could look but could not gain access into the compound.
The family had a gate keeper who also served as their gardener. He could not intervene , because he was too scared to go near his boss, otherwise, he will be sacked.

When Pastor A, now addressed as a Rev. was done beating his wife, she collapsed. He was then satisfied and went inside his bedroom, not before dousing petrol into the engine of their Volvo car, so she cannot be conveyed to the hospital.

Well, that was all I saw, before my parents ordered us to go back to our house and do our home work.
Few days later, it was Sunday. The clergy, his wife; dressed in her ever beautiful attires and big hair gear, along side the kids were in the car driving to church, as if nothing happened.

The wife danced in church as usual, the clergy ministered to his congregation and performed his miracles and deliverance like every other Sunday. They all moved on as if all was well in their household.

Many women are silently going through domestic abuse, they say nothing, for fear of being judged by the society.
Dear women, if you are in an abusive marriage, tell somebody today!

By the way, the pastor's last name starts with C.

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