The botanical name is Dacryodes edulis, some people call it native pear, others refer to it as butterfruit, Ube and Eleme, African Pear or African Plum. Its high level of nutrients is only one of its main benefits. From the leaves to the branches, from the stem down to the roots, the pear tree is packed with immense benefits.
A lot of people do not know that the native pear originated from central Africa and the Gulf of Guinea. It was from these areas it spread across the western coast down to Nigeria.
Nowadays, it is mainly found in Cameroon, Nigeria , Gabon Congo and the Central African Republic.
The plant is easy to cultivate and grows well in tropical regions, hence its dominance in these Africa regions.
Whether you are cultivating the native pear for its fruit, stems or roots, you will be rewarded for your efforts after its maturity.
The native pear tree produces fruits seasonally. A single harvest from a pear tree can yield more than 50 baskets of fresh pear.
This wonder fruit which produces yearly between April and September is very rich in essential vitamins, minerals and antioxidants.
Antioxidants are compounds that inhibit oxidation ; a chemical reaction that can produce free radicals.
African pear contains a high amount of Protein, more than you can get from eating equal amount of black-eyed-peas.
Palmitic acid, linoleic acid, and stearic acid are other such beneficial compounds in the native pear.
It is also a rich source of vitamin C, calcium, potassium, zinc, magnesium, folate, magnesium, and sodium.
Consuming a reasonable amount of native pear will not only boost your immune system, but also prevent diseases, and promote healthy cell growth.
As if that is not enough benefit from one plant, the calcium and vitamin D content of native pear promotes bone health.
The high level of folate in native pear makes it an ideal fruit during pregnancy.
Available research shows that the high level of Vitamin C in the native pear , combine with its antioxidant properties promotes skin health and slows down premature aging.
Spiritual Used Of The Native Pear
The Dacryodes edulis in some social cultural settings, is seen as a symbol of fruitfulness. During a marriage ceremony, the parents of the groom provide a special gift of a sack filled with native pears to the newlyweds.
It is a symbolic gesture of goodwill to the young couple, in the hope that they will be fruitful and produce offspring like the pear tree.
In some communities in the western region of Africa, the native pear fruit is also used as a symbol of peace. It is placed in the middle of a room when settling disputes. It is believed that the energy which radiates from the fruit will bring peace, harmony and prosperity to the parties involved.
The native pear is helpful when going through bitterness, grudges and unforgiveness . Some people believe that planting the native pear would help relieve the cultivator of past trauma.
Traditionalist in the Southern parts of Nigeria uses the leaves of the plant alongside other concoctions to bath their patrons, in a bid to wade off bad spirits.
The stems from the tree has been used in local anti malaria treatment for several decades.
The stem is peeled and placed in a pot of boiling water and allowed to cook for several hours.
The liquid is left to sit for days with the peeled stems until the contents have been fully thawed.
It is then served with food or on its own as an anti malaria remedy.
The roots of the native pear tree is used traditionally for bathing infants in some west Africa regions.
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