Friday 8 March 2024

World’s Dirtiest People


Dirtiness as it is known, is a state of being dirty. Dirtiness is derived from Dirt ; something filthy or foul.

In this article, we will be highlighting the world’s dirtiest people, as collated from several sources across the web.

Standing at Number 1 is Chad 

Chad, a country in central Africa has been listed as the world’s dirtiest country, with air pollution, inadequate waste management and limited water supply. Chad shares a border with Libya, and its official language is French and Arabic. Chad is also the most populated country in the world.

Topping the list at number 2 is Iraq

Iraq, with a population of 43, 533,592 is the world’s second dirtiest country. Officially called the Republic of Iraq, this west Asia country is occupied by predominantly Muslims. They are the 33rd most populous country in the world, and their official currency is the Iraqi Dinar.

The 3rd most dirtiest country in the world is Pakistan 

In  study conducted by the World Health Organization WHO in 2019, it was discovered that Pakistan closely follows India , as the country with the highest rate of food borne diseases. Pakistan has the lowest level of general hygiene. Street food is prepared under unhygienic conditions with dirty littering across public roads.

Bahrain, Bangladesh and Burkinafaso ranks 4th, 5th and 6th respectively, in the world ranking of most dirtiest countries.

Nigeria joins the list at number 18.

With a population of over 213,401,323 , Nigeria suffers from epileptic power supply, inadequate infrastructure and limited supply of water. Dirty and unsanitary markets are a norm in large and small cities. Littering, pollution and poor waste management affects a majority of cities in Nigeria. 

Nigeria practices a democratic system of government and its official currency is the Naira. 

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