Thursday, 28 March 2024

How To Clean A Microwave Oven


A microwave oven is one f the most common kitchen appliances. Its usage cut across all social status, gender and cultures. You will likely find one of it in the kitchen of a low income household and that of an elite; except the brands may differ.

A messy microwave oven is one challenge that affects the wealthy and the low income earners. Cleaning up a kitchen requires basic hygiene products, some of which have a high concentration of chemicals and toxins that could cause harm to humans.

Learning to clean up the kitchen appliances safely is an essential skill everyone should have.

You can safely clean your microwave and get rid off bacteria build by following the simple steps below:

Fill a small bowl with water. Preferably a ceramic bowl. You can make do with an oven-safe plastic bowl.

Add half a cup of vinegar. Apple cider vinegar does the magic. In the absence of vinegar, you can add two tablespoons of baking soda into the water.

Mix together until baking soda is evenly incorporated in the water.

Add a few drops of your usual dish washing liquid. There are a few chemical free dish washing products available in the store. Always opt for chemical free soap when shopping for household detergent. You will be saving your family a lot of hospital visits. The dangers of strong chemicals around the house, specifically in the kitchen is not talked about enough.

Place the bowl in the microwave and heat up for 15-20 minutes or until there’s vapor covering the inner part of the microwave.

You may choose to include a squeeze of lemon juice into the mixture. This is optional.

Wipe out vapor with a dry napkin. 

This method leaves the inside of your microwave spotlessly clean , germs free and smelling fresh.

Use a moderately damp napkin for the outer part of the microwave. You may use the liquid mixture for the outer parts and other areas of your kitchen.

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