Monday 26 February 2024

Two Years After Getting Matching Tattoos See What Happens

 A popular song writer once said , being in love is sweet but when money is added to love, it’s sweeter. With the story of a young couple who pledged to be together forever and had the pledge immortalised, it can be said that love is sweetest and pure without money.

TMO is  taking a look into the trend of couples having matching tattoos, fans having the impression of their idols and favourite celebrities tattooed on their face and other parts of their body.

And then comes the big question. Is having the picture of someone you admire  a proof of love or loyalty?

Often times, people get caught in the moment and make permanent decisions which they regret after the excitement wears off.  It is not unusual for parents to ink the names, photos and date of birth of their children on the skin. There’s a forever bond between a parent and an offspring. But for a yet-to-be married couple, inking your partner’s name on the skin is  tantamount to rolling a dice. What happens if a few years down the line both parties decides to move on with their lives? What happens if one of the partner passes on and the other needs to get into another relationship? 

There are so many “what if” attached to having an impression of a partner inked to your skin. Therefore, before getting that tattoo be sure to have reasonable answers to all the what if’s and possible outcomes.

As if having a tattoo of a partner is not ‘cringe worthy’ enough, some people get the names and pictures of their favourite celebrities inked on their face. Sometimes these people are not even noticed or appreciated by the artist whose names they have immortalised. These ones starts regretting why they got the impression almost immediately. For others, it takes a few years, probably when their favourite is no longer in the limelight before they start wishing they never had the tattoo.

Drawing a tattoo of an artist you admire on your face seems very hypocritical. There are several other ways to show your loyalty and admiration of your favourite celebrities. You can choose to stream their music, watch their movies, purchase their merchandise, actively follow them on their social media platforms.

Majority of people  who are fans of tattoo have mentioned that they get bored of a particular design over time.

Now, imagine you get a matching tattoo of your spouse on your arms, you see it every second of the day and you later get bored. If you have to attend a job interview or an event that requires you wear a short sleeve shirt, what do you?

No doubt a tattoo can be drawn nicely and come out beautifully. It is important to consider the impact it will have on the long run. Ask yourself, what happens two years after I draw this tattoo?

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