Wednesday 14 February 2024

10 Food You Can Eat Without Gaining Weight

 It is not news that weight gain is as a result of excess calories one consumes beyond what the body needs to function.

The body needs energy, and this is derived from food. A body carrying out more activities requires more energy to sustain itself. Energy consumption is relative to the amount of calories consumed.

When the body uses more energy (calories) than consumed, this brings about calorie deficit which results in weight loss. 

On the other hand, when calories consumed exceed the required amount needed to function and carry out daily activities, the body stores the extra calories as fat, which results in weight gain.

Why then is excess calories consumed?

The size of the human stomach expands with time; weight fluctuations, overeating and other factors. When signals are not sent to the brain of the stomach being full, an individual tends to eat in excess and the stomach continues to expand. 

With every meal, the expanded stomach then needs to be full for an individual to feel satisfied. This leads to intake of too much calories.

There are however low calorie foods that can fill up the stomach ; making an individual full without the excess calories.

Top on the list is Oatmeal.

Oat is underrated! When trying to loose weight, opt for oatmeal as your staple.

Use Oatmeal in porridge form as breakfast, topped with a seasonal fruit of choice. 

For lunch, make oats into pudding (swallow) and consume with any soup of your choice.

Baked oats with any vegetables of your choice for dinner is a great option. The goal is to incorporate oats into every meal.

Try this for 3 days, and you will be alarmed at how much progress you have accomplished.

Other Foods you may eat without gaining weight includes:

Watermelon ( Fruit) 

Indulge in some delicious watermelon desserts with no added sugars. Eat watermelon and a fruit of your choice as a refreshing salad for lunch. Enjoy watermelon smoothie for breakfast, and watch yourself get rid off excess calories.

Peanut ( groundnut)

Use peanut for soups, in your cereal or as a snack.

Broccoli is another great choice for binge eating and not gaining weight.

Cauliflower, spinach and collard greens are superb options for soups and smoothies. These veggies can be enjoyed on their own or as an addition to other dishes. You can binge eat them without gaining weight.

Witlof, Kale and Cabbage are rich in vitamins and minerals. They can be prepared as salads, soups and pudding (swallow). You can eat them without gaining weight.

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