Tuesday 9 January 2024

Can A Man Rob God ?


Some clergy men will always refer to this phrase from Malachi chapter 3 vs 8. “Will a man rob god ? Yet you have robbed me. But you say in what way have we robbed you? In tithes and offerings”,when requesting tithes and offerings from congregants.

This phrase is systematically misused and circumvented by some clergymen to satisfy their personal needs.

To answer the question, one must first understand the meaning of tithe and the essence of tithing. When this is known, within an individual’s heart bears the answer “can a man rob god”.

The Bible clearly describes how, where and why we should pay tithes and offerings and to whom it should be paid to and the benefit of paying.

Remember…. So there shall be food in Joseph’s store house?

Remember…. Rebuking the devourer for our sake?

We will dig deep into this question “can a man rob god” in subsequent articles.

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