Wednesday 10 April 2019

Shocking Truth About HIV/AIDS You Wish You Knew Earlier

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To some, the word HIV/AIDS is forbidden, not to be mentioned, they would avoid any discussion centred on this subject, to them HIV is a death sentence. Any person infected with the virus has just been served their death warrant, their days are numbered.

This notion is totally untrue! Persons living with HIV can live a normal life and like many other ailment, the Human immunodeficiency virus can be managed. The key to survival is EARLY DETECTION!

Yes, let this be clear, people living with HIV can have a normal life, not those with the full blown AIDS. Often times people do not understand the difference between HIV and AIDS.

HIV is a virus which can cause a condition called AIDS, however, it can be managed without it developing into AIDS. - again, the key is early detection. When the human imunodeficiency virus is detected , by taking a test, t taking the appropriate medication can suppress the virus, preventing it from developing into AIDS; which is a condition when the immune system has been destroyed by HIV.

HIV affects the immune system, decreasing it's ability to fight off infections. At this stage if detected antiretroviral medicines when administered to patients can help them  live longer, healthier lives. The risk of transmission is also reduced.

HIV becomes AIDS over time and without treatment, destroying the  infection-fighting CD4 cells of the immune system. With patients showing symptoms such as rashes, sores,  lesions, rapid weight loss, tuberculosis, persistent diarrhoea amongst other opportunistic infections.

                Send us an sms on 90 548 887 0615 to  order an HIV home test kit.
                                                       We ship worldwide.
                                                              $20 per kit
                                         Free shipping on orders above $100

Knowing that the thin line between living a normal life even when infected with HIV and succumbing to the dreadful symptoms of AIDS is the detection/time frame before treatment commences, one would wonder, why then do people out rightly avoid getting tested?

The answer remains, STIGMATISATION!
No matter how hard various governmental and non-governmental organisation has tried to raise awareness about the disease, people still directly/indirectly shame those living with the disease.
 For fear of being treated like an outcast some people would avoid talking about HIV let alone being tested.

Well, with the advancement of technology, it is not mandatory to go into a clinic or medical laboratory before the prying eyes of a lab attendant, nurses and other patients to get tested. One can conveniently get tested at home, using the simple HIV home testing kit.

It is advisable to get tested at least twice a  year, or three months if being exposed to the virus. HIV virus can be in it's window phase and not be detected, for this, medical experts advises to take the test within a 3-month time frame. HIV if detected early can be managed!

                Send us an sms on 90 548 887 0615 to  order an HIV home test kit.
                                                       We ship worldwide.
                                                              $20 per kit
                                         Free shipping on orders above $100

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