Tuesday 19 March 2019

A Break Down Of The Outrageous Amount Of Money Nigerian Senators Are Earning.

Nigeria politics is the gateway to unmeasurable wealth, winning a political position or being appointed into key positions in governance is tantamount to winning a lottery.

Players of politics in Nigeria become rich overnight, the speed at which they amass wealth can be likened to the speed of light. Little wonder why politics has become a ''do or die''  affair in Nigeria.

Below is a breakdown of how Nigerian senators ''legally'' grab the national cake, needless to lay emphasis on legal, as a suckling babe knows there are numerous back doors through which Nigeria politicians pull in the ''Ghana-must-go bag'' to their mansions, whose contents are sometimes stored in their unused ''soak-away pits and Lekki flats''.

Newspaper allowance.......N1.24m
Wardrobe allowance..........N0.62m
Recess allowance .............N0.25m
Utilities ..............................N0.83m
Domestic staff...................N1.86m
Personal Assistant............N0.62m
Vehicle Maintenance Allowance...N1.86m
Leave Allowance...............N0.25m

TOTAL RUNNING COST ...........N13.58m/month

This adds up to N162.96m annually


He goes home with N750,000 monthly.
This sums up to N9m annually.

3. He is entitled to N200m annually to execute projects which is the duty of the Executive.

Annual Salary...N9,000,000 per annum
Running Allowance....N163,000,000 per annum
Constituency....N200,000,000 per annum

TOTAL N372,000,000.00 per annum.

This amount is over N1,000,000 every blessed day including Sundays when he is in church.


Severance Gratuity............ N7.43m
Furniture allowance ..........N7.45m
Motor Vehicle Allowance...N9.94m
TOTAL N24.82m.

Just to remind us, the Nigeria senate consists of 109 senators; the 36 states are each divided in 3 senatorial districts each electing one senator; only the Federal Capital Territory elects one senator.
By the way, you only need to hold a Secondary school leaving certificate to qualify for a senatorial seat in Nigeria.
Comparing the over rated pay cheque of the senator to that of a University professor, is like comparing a mouse to a tiger.
Lawyers, Doctors, Engineers earn less than 10% of what these senators take home ''legally''.
The pay gap is unfair, lets not forget the Academic Staff Union - ASU of universities won't stop going on strike, the children of the middle class spends 6 years in a 4-year undergraduate program, owning to strike, yet we keep blaming ASU.

Until the salaries of politicians are reviewed, the tendency of Nigeria to move forward would only be left to our imaginations.

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